can i just briefly talk about how much of a fucking mess the relight OVAs are.

at the end of the first one and again at the beginning of the second one, we see namikawa die in a car accident and shimura get killed by a train. and yet, toward the end of the second OVA, we are treated to a little montage of earlier deaths while aizawa reads off the rules of the death note … and two of these deaths are shimura and namikawa’s deaths, FROM THE ANIME. because apparently they died twice in this universe. (the whole sequence is ripped straight from the anime, but like … you’d think there would at least be enough attention to detail put into this to cover up this GLARINGLY OBVIOUS MISTAKE…)

there are like a million other inconsistencies, and i’m pretty sure light refers to ide as mogi at one point. fucking fantastic. why.


Maybe it’s because I’m in a minority for even caring, but why is there so little post-series fic of the NPA and Near’s guys co-operating on cases when there’s so much potential?

  • Every mission brief starting out in extremely professional English on both ends, until the NPA descends into rapid-fire Japanese bickering over something trivial; Lidner always has a novel at hand for precisely whenever this happens
  • Aizawa and Near silently competing over whose men perform best during collaborative efforts. Aizawa being taken aback when Near unexpectedly asks him, after a mundane routine discussion, what the true former L was like
  • Ide and Roger bonding over classic literature and how immature modern culture is and general old-man stuff (Ide being a very convincing honorary pensioner)
  • During surveillance missions, Matsuda teaching Rester and Gevanni a bunch of Japanese word games to pass the time… until Rester gets competitive
  • Whenever they’re in NY, nobody wants it to be their turn to hit Starbucks because Gevanni’s order is always ridiculously complicated (and though he doesn’t complain when someone gets it wrong, he just looks quietly disappointed for twenty minutes)
  • Mogi and Rester bonding in a manner akin to this